Holiday Hazards
Crosspoint Veterinary Hospital, Covington, Louisiana
December 2022
The holidays are an exciting yet stressful time for everyone. It’s not uncommon to get so busy, tired, or just caught up in the festivities to the point your pet isn’t on your mind. So before enjoying the holidays too much, understand that you will need to prepare and take extra precautions to prevent holiday hazards for pets. The following chart includes common holiday foods and other items that can be harmful to pets. It’s best to keep everything on this list away from your dogs and cats. And, since the holidays sometimes mean you must travel with your pet to another family member’s or friend’s home, be prepared to protect your pet at home and away. Keep our number handy and have a plan just in case a pet emergency happens. If you’re on the road, take extra precautions to keep your pet safe, and be sure to search for 24/7 emergency vets in route and near your destination.